Thou art worthy of Funding. Part 2 is not a FUND but a COMPANY (source — for me is all HYPE. Yes, make enough noise and you will get heard particularly in a country like Nigeria. Listening to interviews with Jason et al, they have failed to clearly articulate the actual synergies or benefits being achieved by companies involved in SPARK.
Yes I know they have mentioned the likes of funding, internet, electricity, blah blah blah. Is this what we really want to hear? Yes I know our failed infrastructure make these issues a big deal but please! SPARK say they are not a fund, but lately the whole rant has been all about money, money, and money #Spend$1m, #WriteCheques$30–70k. Let’s hear some #WeAddValue, #WeAreNotAOneTrickPony, #WeHaveATrackRecordToShow. And yes we will fund ppts if it is a damn good ideal!
I will only listen to the likes of when they clearly articulate their value-add. Otherwise for me, they are simply a FUND looking for more FUNDs to exploit the ailing start-up ecosys...

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