The death of the .com — Part 1

Mary Meeker stated, last month in her Internet trends report, something obvious. Something which we all knew but didn’t really have the numbers to support. Nigeria is one of the most mobilised countries in the world. 76% of our users are via mobile internet. Android has taken time to take root but is comfortably on the way to becoming the dominant operating system in Nigeria and Africa. I spent the best part of 2014 speaking to telcos across Africa and their data is unequivocal. Android will own Africa. There is no data point which shows me any of the ISPs in Africa will change that reality. I can’t think of any ISP with more than 1m users. Combined, I doubt there are 1m ISP customers in Nigeria. Mobile is what mobile does.
Mobile 1st, 2nd and 3rd..? It’s mobile only.
With that new reality in mind, and our ambitions to burn bridges and win Lagos (first) then Africa, action was needed. That’s my natural bias. I have spent the last 2 months in NY rebuilding our product and engineeri...

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