SPARK. We build companies. That’s all.

Apparently I talk a lot. Probably too much, whereas I just feel I have a lot to say. Others just want me to shut the hell up. I think I have a fairly unique and honest perspective on internet startups in Nigeria. That’s something I always wanted to share; as loudly and widely as possible. I started blogging this year because of two large events in my life. One I can share with you now, the other perhaps a little later. I am an easy person to connect with and it’s rare someone sends me an email that I don’t respond to. I have met tens of startups randomly and helped coach or advise them informally based on my singular perspective on creating awesome companies in Nigeria. Essentially I have been obsessed with the nuances of building startups for the longest time. I’ve been through it 12 independent times and to be honest, initially failure always looks like success and success equally looks like failure. I don’t know why the other elephants of Nigeria’s tech scene don’t share their ...

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