Losing $2m in Nigeria’s music industry

Black Summer on Netflix. S1 E8 12:00 mins

I looked up from my screen. Someone was screaming at one of my employees. Literally screaming at the top of his lungs in our open plan office. I stood up, called them in and asked what the issue was? Who the fuck did they think they were to walk in my office and speak to my employee like that? I ushered them into my office. I wasn’t angry, I was annoyed. I settled him (and his manager) down. What was the problem? At the time, we had 300 or so people in that building. Three of them worked on what was then known as “Iroking”. Long story short. He wanted access to his YouTube channel to verify the amount of money we said he was making. At the time we sent out screenshots + reports, rather than giving them direct access. Dude had <10,000 views on his videos — which he didn’t dispute. So the amount we were talking about was literally <$500. Ridiculous. But this was the example of the abuse we would endure whilst losing millions of dol...

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