Linda Ikeji | Nigeria’s unsung Internet Titan Part II

Anyone who has spoken to me about the state of the media in Nigeria knows how much of a big fan I am of Linda Ikeji. My 8th tumblr post was about her rise and amazing platform she had built. That was in January 2013. Basically, she is Nigeria’s number 1 celebrity news purveyor. The TMZ of Nigeria, if you will. For almost 8 years, she had quietly blogged celebrity gist before becoming hugely successful in 2011. If there is breaking news, she is responsible for pushing it. I remember when the ‘news broke’ that I was getting married, I was surprised she actually bothered to reach out for official comments before writing the story. That’s why when she writes things, I believe them. I know she at least attempts to fact check which is almost unheard of in Nigerian media. I believe her consistent honesty and accuracy is the reason she has endeared herself to many.
People always ask me how successful can she possibly be? I suspect it’s somewhere in the $400–700k per year, range. With next...

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