Incorrigible | I am The Fucking Dude.

Incorrigible me in 2008.
Adjective — (of a person or their tendencies) Not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.
In 2012, when a friend of mine first told me I characterised that word, I must admit, I had never heard it uttered before. When I looked it up — Man — I fell in love with it. Instantly and forever.
I have always seen myself as non-linear; a free spirit if you will. I have never allowed myself to be trapped by someone else’s expectations. When I was about 13 I basically stopped listening to my mum (and everyone else) and just went about life as I saw fit. A lack of a father figure has unshackled me from any respect for paternal authority. I am curt, egotistical, belligerent and a whole bunch of other things. In some places, these things may be unacceptable. On the frontiers of start-ups in Nigeria and Africa, I feel these are essential tools to cut through the bullshit and get things done. What others may call your ‘failings’, may actually be your greatest assets....

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