How can we get our local rich men to start paying attention to tech investments?

Our Big Chief Victor Osaretin Asemota’s comments ignited a spirited debate on Radar recently.

We should leave them be. Anyone who requires ‘convincing’ will only cause you problems in the long run. When they are ready. They will come.

In 2011 I sat with Jim Ovia, the founder of Zenith Bank, one of the largest Nigerian banks. A billionaire I guess. Somehow, we had piqued his PE firms’ interest. So I sat there in his VI office (which is larger than an entire floor at Iroko today), patiently waiting for him to give me a few minutes.
I then explained what we were trying to do. At the time, it was simply to digitise Nollywood. He asked me about my other ‘products and services’. I didn’t really understand the question. He told me it couldn’t just be entertainment. He then began to explain to me my idea was too small. Lacking ambition.
I told him Hollywood is a $30b/year business. From just entertainment
See, I didn’t need to be there. Tiger had given me a $3m term sheet and I was ...

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