Founders | The Nigerian Style

So Bastian and I were debating about the type of founders and companies we were getting through the SPARK email tsunami which hit us since launch. I have spent the best part of my weekend trying to reply to all the emails with at least a little individuality. Its slow. Bastian was saying that the minimum expected from a pitch is a website. That’s it, a website. That, if a founder was to be successful, they would at least be able to get a basic utility first version online. This piqued my interest because with the surge in Indian coders online, basic web development is becoming a commodity. You can get version 1 of most things online in a short period of time. No excuses. I then started to connect the dots and realised the startup community in Nigeria will look very different than the ones in other countries in Africa i.e. Kenya, Ghana and SA. And thus definitely around the world. Very different. A quick role call of the first wave of big internet companies in Nigeria illustrates t...

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