Content is King. How I ended up Working for Mrs. Njoku – Part 2


IROKO, IROKO (in a typical hailing loud Nigerian accent).

Mrs. Njoku glanced nervously at me. This was the week ‘How I ended up working for Mrs Njoku’ came out. 1,000% sure this chap hadn’t read the article. Yet here he was. Confirming what I knew.

Hailing my wife, Mrs. Njoku. Madam IROKO, IROKO.

She answered him nervously, Noooooo, that’s my husband, he is the IROKO. He looked at me and laughed.

‘I know him. We know him. Leave that thing, we know he is in the background, supporting, you are at the front doing great job. IROKO, IROKO. Madam IROKO’

That was 2018. Back to 2014.

As we emerged from the content wars of 2013, one thing became obvious. License costs going from $2.5–5k to $20-25k per movie in 6 months, for the same content rights, was unsustainable at best. Lethal to our long term ambitions at worst. See the thing with content is that over the last 100 years, the price has only ever gone in one direction. Up, up and up! Example; in 2008 ...

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