Be ambitious – founders have always been outgunned & outnumbered

Entrepreneurs have always been outgunned, outnumbered, they've always fought uphill and the hill has never been steeper. Phil Knight (Founder of Nike) - Shoe Dog Memoir of the creator of Nike

Fighting not to win, but to avoid losing. A sure fire losing strategy Phil Knight (Founder of Nike) - Shoe Dog Memoir of the creator of Nike

One of the most brilliant overcoming-the-odds books I have read in my life is by Phil Knight (Founder of Nike) - Shoe Dog Memoir of the creator of Nike. I read it a number of years ago but last week I needed a pick me up. I needed a dose of hard core inspiration. So I picked up Shoe Dog. Nobody really believed in Nike or Phil Knight, and the company spent 18 years desperately managing debt, insolvency and over-trading, always tilting on verge of disaster; but in the end it didn't matter, they won and they built arguably one of the icons of American corporate business. When co-founders Phil and Bill Bowerman started that tortious journey, jogging w...

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