iROKO. Bad for the Industry II

It appears that someone in the US has copyrighted the term “Nollywood”… Is that possible? Can we fight it? Must’ve happened this week.Implication is not immediately deadly: but it means we can no longer run ads for that term on Google… But I do wonder: who would copyright the term Nollywood? And why? Adi — Iroko Head of Growth — 26th June 2015

We heard about this early in 2014, like everyone was somewhat surprised and shocked. Can we fight it? We could. Would probably cost us $250,000+ in legal fees and 2–5 years of our lives. We probably should fight it. But we won’t. If this was 2012, when I naively considered myself a ‘champion of the industry’ and cash just entered pocket, I would have gone old testament and tried to resolve this situation myself. Back in 2012 we fought for 2 long years the #1 pirated website for Nollywood movies online. It took lawyers and depositions in Philadelphia, New York and San Francisco. It took private investigators across the states and to Accra tr...

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